Creating an email for your double with your domain will help your contacts understand that you are working together, and will allow you to get help on emails through Gmail delegation.
Create an email for your double
Open your Google Admin console.
Go to Users.
Select the organizational unit to which you want to add the user. (You might need to click to show the organizational units.)
At the top of the page, click Add new user.
5. Add account information:
First and last name of your double
Primary email address — please follow the format
.A secondary email address — Set an alias to make it more personal to your Double. We suggest {
6. Click Add new user and Click to copy password.
7. Share the logins with your double in your password manager.
All set! The next step is on your double side to create a new password with the 2FA security step, and set up an avatar picture. ✨